Experts state that reading books and information on how to deal with depression and anxiety can be a valuable resource that may effectively treat depression. When a person’s self-esteem, motivation, mood and energy are low and depressio and anxiety is high, books on depression can make a positive difference. Reading books can have a substantial impact on mood, energy, and self-esteem.
Here are some books that could help boost a person’s mood and well-being. We hope you can find them helpful.
This book works for those who want science-backed evidence behind advice. Contrary to the old saying “You actually can teach an old dog new tricks. This applies to retraining your brain, too. Many of us deal with unhealthy thought patterns that we would greatly benefit from ditching. The good news is that we can change our thought patterns. It just takes some effor and some work.
In this book “Change Your Brain,”the writer uses scientific evidence to provide “brain prescriptions” that help you retrain your mind and your brain. The author offers tips to diffuse automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) which lower our self-esteem, make it tough to make decisions, and put a strain on our relationships.
The author also gives tips on a number of mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, and anger, as well as many others.
This book is for those who are looking for various perspectives. Depression isn’t a one-size-fits-all mood disorder. Depression affects everyone differently, and this book attempts to shed light on that.
The author explores depression from different angles, including personal, and cultural perspectives, and scientific. He talks about his personal struggles and experience, and the experiences of those he interacts with, including other people dealing with depression, doctors, drug designers, and even policy makers in the medical market. This book also discussed the biological questions, and the ethics that the illness poses.
In this book you will learn why depression and its treatments are so complex according to many different perspectives, including the people living with this illness.
This book is best for those individuals looking for a holistic approach. Sometimes psychotherapy and antidepressants are not enough for people struggling with mental health issues. The author of this book uses his fourty year career in psychiatry to bring you a seven stage process that can work.
In this book the author uses a combination of nutritional supplements, food, movement, exercise, dance, Chinese medicine, meditation, psychotherapy, guided imagery, and spiritual practice. He shows readers that there are other methods to cope with depression. This book has a variety of approaches and is well structured.
This book is for those who prefer or need to avoid drugs. It is a reallity that depression rates have gone up in our modern, fast-paced society.
In this book the author reminds us that our minds and bodies weren’t designed to function well with poor sleeping, eating habits and long work hours.
Taking us back to basics, he uses example techniques inspired by populations like the Kaluli of Papua, New Guinea, who are still untouched by modern technology.
Stephen Ilardi is a professor at the University of Kansas who conducts research on mental health and depression. He is in charge of the program called the Therapeutica Lifestyle Change (TLC). This program is based on years of clinical research and it revolves heavily around lifestyle changes including physical activity and social connections, for antidepressant benefits. This book is easy to read and follow, and is well throughout.
This gook if for those who like to understand how things work. There’s a science behind how depression works. The causes can be biological or circumstantial, or it can be a combination of both. Brain chemistry, hormones, family history, medical conditions, and substance misuse are some of the causes.
This book is a great choice for people struggling with depression, or for those who want a better look at how the brain functions and how to deal with different emotions.
In this book the author explains the process in your brain that causes depression. Using this information, he outlines tips for how you can apply neuroscience research to rewire your brain toward healthier, happier thoughts.
This book is for those who are looking to break specific negative habits or patterns. Negative thoughts such as guilt, pessimism, and low self-esteem fuel depression.
This book is interesting, easy to read, and offers helpful exercises. The author outlines techniques that help break free from these patterns, it also helps you recognize them and deal with them.
The book guides you into thoughts that help people dealing with addiction, mood swings, guilt, hostility, and other negative feelings. The latest edition of this book also includes a guide to antidepressants and more information on treatment options for depression.
This book is for those who love to move. Exercise does more than keep you in shape and prevent heart disease. Exercise is a powerful ally against depression and anxiety.
This book explains how and why aerobic exercise is so effective in reducing symptoms from several mental conditions.
This book wants to help readers eliminate depression, and at the same time increase intellect, enhance memory, lift mood, and conquer stress.
This book is best for those who want to use behavioral psychology to build a more satisfying and meaningful life. It is very easy to get caught up in what we think happiness “should” be: fulfilling careers, beautiful homes, perfect marriages. But when we strive for these sometimes unattainable goals, rather than accepting where we are and finding joy, we find ourselves in a life filled with stress, anxiety, and all the other difficult emotions that we’re so desperately trying to avoid.
Rooted in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and mindfulness, this book encourages readers to break self-defeating habits, minimize stress, and find true contentment.
This book is perfect for those seeking inner peace and true, lasting happines in life. In this book Dr. Kristin Neff teaches how to stop beating ourselves up and leave insecurities behind. Self-criticism can lead to anxiety, feelings of shame, and depression.
More and more, psychologists are moving towards helping patients learn self compassion.This book aims to do exactly that, with action plans and exercises to help readers find love and acceptance for themselves.
This book offers exercises and action plans for dealing with every emotionally and debillitating struggle.
This book is perfect for those seeking mental health conversations from a religious perspective. The writer Pastor and therapist Ryan Casey Waller reminds us that mental illness isn’t a sign of lack of faith, but rather an opportunity to deepen our faith and relationship with our higher power.
Mental illness loves to tell us lies. The writer of this book talks about his personal struggle with mental illness and how the battle can be lonely and discouraging, but it doesn’t have to be like that.
Combining the spiritual with the practical practices, this book is perfect for those who believe in God and find comfort in their faith.
This book is helpful, vulnerable, practical yet not preachy at all. Is filled with humor and stories that bring some light to those going through some dark times.
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